itunes slow backup iphone
Where Are iPad and iPhone Backups Stored? - iPhone Backup.
Oct 18, 2012. My iPhone 5 quit backing up on the 3rd of the month. I can't even get a manual backup and my photo stream quit working. I went to the Apple.
iTunes 9.1.11 or 9.1.12 impossibly slow backup - iPhone 3GS.
itunes slow backup iphone
Very Slow iPad Backup/Sync: Apple Support Communities.itunes slow backup iphone
[iPhone SDK] Extremely slow iTunes backup? - Apple Support Communities.Re: Very Slow iPad Backup/Sync - Apple Support Communities.
Very Slow iPad Backup/Sync: Apple Support Communities.
Really slow iPhone backup with new 3.0?: Apple Support Communities.
Jun 21, 2010. restoring my iPhone to factory defaults - deleting old backup files - reinstalling iTunes. None of these worked - still experiencing slow backup.
iCloud: Troubleshooting creating backups - Support - Apple.
Sep 9, 2009. Currently Being Moderated. Re: IPhone backup painfully slow. Sep 10, 2009 5:14 AM (in response to berneck). With the new 3.1 and iTunes 9.